Welcome to my Portfolio!

Welcome to my Portfolio!

Hey, thanks for stopping by! Welcome to turtlecode.dev, better known as my portfolio website. This is a place where I can display my projects and write a bit more about them in detail for anyone interested to see.

I go by TurtleCode around these parts, and I’ve been exploring the amazing world of Computer Science and Engineering for over seven years now. Thankfully, there’s still plenty more I continue to discover, build, and improve upon. Lately, I’ve been interested in computer systems and network management, working with physical hardware to deploy various types of servers. Besides this, web development continues to be a fun hobby as well.

There’s not a ton here yet, and I’m not much of a blogger, but in the coming months I’ll hopefully be posting updates about my development projects and keeping the world up to date on upcoming releases. This will also serve as a way to explore my complete history of projects, past and present.

I hope that this website is useful for those interested in the work I’m doing. If you’re new here, I’d highly recommend checking out TrackTask, my most recent and arguably my best project thus far. Don’t worry, though, there’s still plenty more to come, and I can’t wait to share it with the world!

Again, thanks for checking out turtlecode.dev!